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Instructional Careers


Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) host recruitment fairs to hire dynamic educators from across the nation who believe all children can achieve greatness. We are looking for talented educators who are committed, focused on making a difference, and hold (or are eligible) for a teacher certificate issued by the Maryland State Department of Education. We encourage you to submit an application online. We review applications, credentials and other pertinent details frequently. A candidate selected for an interview will be contacted by an HR Partner or Administrator.

Hiring Process

Instructional and Related Professionals

  • Interested candidates are encouraged to review the recruitment schedule, visit Recruitment events, or apply online for a Preliminary Interview (if eligible). All candidates will receive a status update to their online application via email.
  • After applying, a human resources representative will review your application to certify eligibility for a Maryland Teaching Certificate.
  • After initial interview, eligible candidates may be referred for a second interview with an administrator and/or their designee(s). All candidates must have a completed online employment application, have the Gallup TeacherInsight assessment, and provided two current letters of professional references. 
  • Placement events occur throughout the spring and summer for candidates who are recommended for hire. Once a placement is finalized, candidates will complete a background check, onboarding, and orientation. Hiring decisions will be made at each event. Candidates who are recommended for hire may sign an Advance Contract to join Prince George’s County Public Schools for the next school year. 
  • All offers of employment will be made through the Division of Human Resources.
  • If you received a degree or attended school outside of the U.S. or U.S. Territories, your credentials must be evaluated by an independent agency. View the list of approved agencies that evaluate foreign credentials.

Critical Shortage Areas

  • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • Mathematics
  • Media Specialists
  • Reading Specialist
  • Science
  • Special Education
  • Vision/Hearing Teachers
  • World Languages

Salaries - Prince George's County Educators' Association (PGCEA)

Pay Tables

Fiscal School Year 2024-2025 Pay Tables
Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel (ASASP) Pay Tables
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 400 PG) Pay Tables
Association of Classified Employees, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees ACE-AFSCME Union Local 2250 Pay Tables
Prince George's County Educators' Association (PGCEA) Pay Tables


Contact Information

Sasscer Administration Building
14201 School Lane 107
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772

Phone: 301-952-6274
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Employment Background Checks are required for all employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know the status of my application?

The first step in the Prince George’s County Public Schools hiring process is for a candidate to apply for a position through our applicant tracking system. Applicants receive an automatic confirmation response. Next, Human Resources staff screen each resume to determine if qualifications are met. Candidates receive notification about their pre-screening status. Human Resources and the hiring manager/school principal select candidates to interview from the pool of candidates “pre-screened eligible”. The newly selected candidate is then onboarded for the new position.

How do I become a certified teacher in Maryland?

Our system works directly with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to provide certification services for contracted educators, specialists and administrators. For information about applying for Maryland teacher certification, please contact Maryland State Department of Education at 1-866-772-8922.

Is there an alternative path to become a Maryland State Certified teacher?

The Prince George’s County Public Schools Resident Teacher Program was designed with a focus on recruiting and training talented individuals who possess a strong background in “hard to staff” content areas, but do not have traditional teacher certification. This Alternative Route to Certification provides an outlined course of study for teacher education pedagogy and training while teaching in full-time status. This alternative certification pathway is approved by Maryland State Department of Education and teachers are considered highly qualified employees while matriculating through this program.

What if I applied last year?

Teacher candidates must reapply to the current vacancies each year. The teacher candidate pool is open from October 1 - September 30.

What if I have trouble completing the online application?

Candidates who experience challenges with completing the online application should contact the Help Desk at 301-386-1549.

What resume format is accepted in iRecruitment?

Candidates should save their resume using the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe (pdf.). Be sure to include your contact information, teacher preparation program, and Praxis status.

What is certification?

Certification is the process to verify that each educator required to hold a certificate has the qualifications and appropriate training to execute his/her professional responsibilities.

Who must hold a Maryland certificate?

Teachers, specialists, and administrators in Maryland public schools and in approved schools operated by state agencies must hold a valid certificate appropriate to the field of employment. Certain nonpublic school personnel employed in special education facilities must also hold a valid certificate appropriate to the field of employment.

How do I qualify for a Maryland certificate?

Certification may be obtained in one of the following ways:

completing a Maryland approved educator preparation program;
completing an out of state college or university educator preparation program that leads to certification in that state;
holding a valid, out-of-state professional certificate and submitting verification of 3 years of full-time satisfactory professional experience;
meeting transcript analysis requirements; or
completing a Maryland Resident Teacher Certificate program.

Are there any special requirements for Maryland?

As of July 1, 1999 individuals applying for a Maryland certificate are required to complete additional reading course work. Early childhood, elementary education, and special education at those levels are required to complete 12 semester hours. Secondary education, PreK-12, and secondary special education teachers are required to complete 6 semester hours.