How to Interpret K - Grade 8 Report Cards
How to Interpret K - Grade 8 Report Cards

- School: Name of School
- LOC ID: School ID Number
- Principal: Principal’s Name
- Phone: Phone Number of School
- Year Ending: Year of last day of school
- Student ID: Student ID Number
- Date Run: Date printed
- Student: Student’s Name
- Dist ID: Student’s ID
- Grade Level: Grade Level of Student
- Birth Date: Student’s date of birth
- Counselor: Name of Guidance Counselor – Not filled at the time
- Course and Course #: Example: 4-Biology HSA – 4th Period of the day and the Course Name
- Course Date: Date student scheduled for course
- Teacher: Teacher Name (Last, First, M.I.)
- Marks: There are three columns for grades: Column P – Progress Report; Q – Quarter Grade; FG – Final Grade
- Points: Not used
- Abs and Tdy: Absence and Tardy per class since first day of school
- Comments: A maximum of three comments (text not number) is displayed for each course. Comments are separated by a space or period.
- Course Completed: Completed courses this semester. Some courses that should be included in the “Course and Course #” section may appear here. We are working the vendor to correct.
- School Message: Message from school
Mailing Address Section
Address of student is displayed under the text “To the Parents/Guardian of”. Some progress reports will not have an address due to a problem with some households not being attached to a dwelling. The text “null” may be displayed in this case. Please note that this problem was reported to SMAX users via the software’s message function. Items listed below are typically displayed in the left window under the text “Informational Use Only”.
- GPA Summary
- Service Hours
- HSA Test Scores
- Fail Warning
Student Grade and Percentage Categories
Head Start, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grade 1
- PR = Proficient – child can demonstrate indicator independently 90 – 100%
- IP = In Process – child can reliably demonstrate indicator 80 – 89%
- EM = Emerging – child demonstrates indicator with assistance 70 – 79%
- ND = Needs Development - child does not demonstrate indicator 50 – 69%
Grades 2-5
- A -- Excellent progress at the level of instruction indicated 90 – 100%.
- B -- Above Average progress at the level of instruction indicated 80 – 89%.
- C -- Average progress at the level of instruction indicated 70 – 79%.
- D -- Below Average progress at the level of instruction indicated 60 – 69%.
- E -- Unsatisfactory progress (failure) at the level of instruction indicated below 60%.
- I -- Incomplete. The "I" grade may be used for elementary students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work in a timely manner.
Grades 6 - 8
- A -- Excellent progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (90-100%).
- B -- Above average progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (80-89%).
- C -- Average progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (70-79%).
- D -- Below Average progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (60-69%).
- E -- Failure toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (below 60%).
- I -- Incomplete. (The "I" grade may be used temporarily for secondary students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work in a timely manner. The "I" grade will not be included in the calculations of the student's Grade Point Average.)
- P - Pass (credit bearing).F -- Fail (not credit bearing).
- W -- Withdrawn. Student drops a course after twenty (20) school days from the start of the course or ten (10) days in a semester course. "W" does not factor into grade averaging.