Greetings, Seat Pleasant Elementary School Community!
It is with great joy that I welcome you to the new school year! The start of the new academic year is upon us, and we are eager to start fresh. We trust that all families enjoyed the summer break. With each new year comes the possibility of new scholars and families joining our Seat Pleasant Elementary School family. We welcome all of our returning and new families, whether you are joining us from another school in the district or have relocated from another city, state, or country. We are excited to share all that Seat Pleasant has to offer and believe you will soon feel, as we do, that Seat Pleasant is a special place for all children. Thank you in advance for entrusting us with your children.
We look forward to sharing our goals for this school year with you soon! Please mark your calendar and plan to join us for the following upcoming events:
- August 23rd (Orientation and Block Party)
- 12:00 p.m. - Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Parent Orientation
- 12:30 p.m. - Autism Orientation
- 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Back to School Block Party (All families are encouraged to come and will have the opportunity to find out who their scholar’s new teacher will be this school year)
- August 26th - First Day of School - All Students
- September 2nd - Labor Day - No School
- September 5th - 5:00 p.m. - In-Person Back to School Night - All Grades
Please note the following in preparation for a great first day of school:
- School Supply List - Please visit the SPES SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST for the current list.
- Uniforms - We are a mandatory uniform school. All students MUST be dressed in full uniform on the first day of school. Please click the link for the SPES Uniform Policy for details regarding school uniforms.
- Arrival - School doors will open for Pre-K - Grade 5 students at 8:05 a.m. Please be aware that there is no adult supervision for students before 8:05 a.m. Please ensure no student arrives before 8:05 a.m., UNLESS a parent/guardian will wait with the student(s). These procedures are designed for the safety and well–being of all students. Students will be marked tardy at 8:40 a.m. (except late buses)
- Breakfast - Breakfast will be picked up as students walk into the school building, in the cafeteria, and eaten in the classroom for all students beginning at 8:05 a.m.
- Traffic - In order to maintain a safe and orderly environment please use extreme caution while driving through the school parking lot. Please follow the direction of our traffic team at all times. Please remember SAFETY FIRST!
- Parking - Additional parking is available in the shared parking lot between Seat Pleasant Elementary School and the Seat Pleasant Recreation Center. Please refrain from illegally parking in the bus lanes.
- Dismissal - Early Dismissal ends at 2:00 p.m. Afternoon announcements begin at 2:25 p.m.
- Parent pick-ups will be at their corresponding doors (Parent pick-up diagram)
- Walkers will be staggered and called following parent pick-ups
- Students riding licensed Day Care Vans registered with Seat Pleasant ES will be dismissed according to the arrival of the van
- Buses will be called in order as they arrive
- No Shots? No School.
- Need shots for school? Head to a free immunization clinic in school wellness centers to get up-to-date with vaccinations. Appointments are required. View clinic dates and visit the links below to make an appointment.
- Transportation
- In light of the continued shortage of bus drivers regionally and nationally, we ask for your patience during the first weeks of school. Please update phone numbers, emails, and emergency contact info in ParentVUE (Synergy). Transportation information can be found HERE.
Please enjoy the last few days of the summer break! Let’s get ready to have another great year of teaching and learning at Seat Pleasant Elementary School.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Early