Uniform Policy
- Short or long-sleeved polo shirt in the color listed below. Shirts must fit appropriately. No bare midriff.
- Grades PreK-5: Solid Light Blue
- Grade 6: Solid Gold
- Grade 7: Solid Burgundy
- Grade 8: Solid Black
- Navy blue uniform pants, uniform shorts, or uniform skirts. Pants and shorts must have belt loops. Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than fingertip level when arms are hanging straight down at their sides. Bottoms must fit securely at the waist and not worn below the waist.
- Grades PreK-5: Solid Dark Blue
- Grade 6th-8th: Solid Khaki
- Plain black or brown belt. The belt must go through the belt loops and be buckled at the waist.
- Flat soled, FULLY enclosed shoes must be worn at all times. No Crocs, sandals, slip-ons, or mules allowed. Socks must be worn.
- Solid sweater or sweatshirt in the color of the uniform shirt. All sweaters/sweatshirts must be worn over the uniform shirt. No hoodies allowed.
- Head wraps, scarves, bandanas, and hats are not allowed. However, head dress can be worn indoors for religious or health reasons only.