Friendship Fun Fest Feb 13
On February 13 from 5:00pm- 6:30pm we are having a friendship fun fest night. Come join us for games, dancing, music, crafts and snacks!
On February 13 from 5:00pm- 6:30pm we are having a friendship fun fest night. Come join us for games, dancing, music, crafts and snacks!
Due to using snow days, February 14 will now be a regular school day for all students and staff.
On February 26, 2025 we will be hosting a virtual parent/student information night about the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA). Come, listen and ask questions on how to prepare your 5th grader for this coming assessment. The assessment starts March 4, 2025. The Zoom link and information on how to join are in an email that was sent out. We will also post it on Dojo as soon as it gets closer. We look forward to seeing everyone. We hope this helps our students and parents understand what MISA is and how to do your best on the test.